Saturday 28 April 2012

The other new kid

Jumping back from grade 3 to grade 2, I wanted to make another quick side step and mention another non music related topic about yet another new friend I made back in grade school. Sometime during the course of the school year, a new student named Patrick was brought into our class. The teacher briefly introduced him to the kids then directed him to grab any available seat. Well wouldn't you know it he picked the seat right behind your narrator at the back of the class!

  He was a very short, quiet, asian boy and I remember thinking "this kids gonna get eaten alive!" in fact he was so quiet I wasn't even sure if he could speak English! No racist pun intended!  Being the class "rebel" I slightly felt like he was invading my space. I was doodling away on my paper at hand when all of the sudden he mentioned something about what I was drawing. I turned in my seat to meet him face to face and something caught my eye.

I glanced down at his desk and saw a brilliantly drawn alien with a big pulsating brain. This kid had skills and before I knew it we were chatting it up and having some laughs.  Patrick inspired me to up my game as far as my drawing went. He definately influenced me in artistic ways as well. Anytime there was a school contest with art involved Pat was always a shoe in for first place with me in a close 2nd or 3rd. I was never much of a glory hound and was always happy to see my friend win. I was proud to know and be friends with such a talented person. You also couldn't ask to meet a nicer, sweeter, more humble guy.

When we were graduating grade 5 the two of us got to paint a mural for the school and it was one of the funnest moments in birchbank public for me. Patrick was also a big fan of horror  movies which was another reason why we hit it off so well. In grade 6 we went to different schools and I was very saddened by this, once again experiencing depression at quite a young age. 

My 11th Birthday (left to right) Patrick, Jonathan, Shawn, Kevin, Craig, Duane.

We ended up reuniting in high school after 3 long years and it was if we had never skipped a beat. On lunch we'd goto his house which was right across the street from North Park S.S. and it was there one lunch when  he introduced me to my all time favorite horror movie "Evil Dead 2"  Patrick was always an intelligent individual and as expected he went onto a successful career. It was a pleasure to grow up with him as it was all my boys I grew up with.

Fast forward to 1983.

Soooooo you're probably all wondering what record my cousin Jamie gave me for Christmas that year....

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