Well I'm happy to say that the one year anniversary of this blog was April 10th, 2013, and the story is still going strong. My allegiance of readers is continuing to grow, which is truly amazing to me and I don't think words can really express how much I truly appreciate it and the feeling it gives me inside.
Although I started out with some form of structure in the beginning, my posts have gotten somewhat sporadic over the last 6 months to say the least, I did however manage to enter 187 blog posts in a one year time period, which works out to about one post every other day. I had hoped to post Monday to Friday on a weekly basis but it just isn't always possible to do so, which I feel is somewhat unfair to the reader, as you are left in the dark as to when the next blog entry will be posted.
After serious consideration I have decided to use last years "summer schedule" as my new, permanent structure. For those of you who may remember, last year I was posting religiously 5 days a week from April to June, then for the summer schedule I only posted Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This will now be the way things are from this point in time and moving forward, so you can expect to see a trifecta of blog entries every week from here on in.
I feel having four days where I don't have to post will be beneficial to both me the writer and you the reader, as it gives me extra time to write during the week, plus I'm gearing up to launch the video version of this blog on YouTube, so the extra free time will hopefully enable me to get that mission off the ground sooner than later.
I thank you for your time, understanding, and your continuous support in following my story thus far, in one year I've managed to cover my life from birth to age 16, and I can assure you things are only going to get more interesting as we move forward with Heavy Ghetto.
See you this Wednesday...
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