Of all the friends I had downtown, the one I cherished the most was Dallas from The Satanatras. I was still going out of my way to hang out at his place for a couple of days whenever I had the chance. We'd mainly just hang out and talk rock, puff some ganja, and listen to music or watch movies. Dallas had gotten into Geto Boys big time, and the members had all released solo albums by this point, which had become his choice cuts. We both loved Willie D and Scarface, but Bushwick Bill was our main muthafucka. There was just something so cool and unique about a little person rapping with such a larger than life attitude and persona. Dallas had also became a big fan of "Lords of the Underground" so needless to say we were bumping that album a lot too.
Dallas had a older brother named Travis, and he lived in a sweet studio type loft where the party never seemed to stop. We'd hang out there quite frequently, and there always seemed to be an abundance of psilocybin being passed around freely. Travis and his roomies had a stage area set up, and there was always some form of jam going on, be it bands performing or just an open stage concept. I'd often hop on the drum kit and jam with random people, some of whom I didn't even know.
I remember the cops showed up one time because someone in the neighborhood had filed a noise complaint. It must have been about 5:30-6:00 am in the morning when the cops came knocking. They were surprisingly very friendly and interested in the music we were making. Despite tripping balls, we stood at the doorway talking music with these two police officers for what felt like hours. Eventually the sun was up and the morning was in bloom. The cops proceeded to tell us we could go back to jamming and making noise, since it was now morning. Amazing I thought to myself. No cops in Peel Region would ever be that cool. I definitely developed a new respect for Metro Police that day.
The Satanatras bassist Bernie, was also a very kick ass cool cat and I always enjoyed chatting with him. Bernie had a shindig at his place one night, so naturally Dallas and I headed over. That night Bernard taught me the true powers and magic of psilocybin, proclaiming it didn't matter if you took a tiny nibble or ate a whole bag, it was all about opening your mind up to it. We sat and had seriously deep conversation on the subject, and many others, and somehow Bernie sent me on my way the following morning with a shitload of the coolest underground comics and even serial killer trading cards. He was truly the bees knees in my books.
Jughead was another band out on the scene at the time and they were all buddies and affiliated with The Satanatra crew, I think Travis may have even been in the band at the time but I can't quite remember. Anyhow, one of their members Mike was having a party at his place, and once again Dallas brought me along with him. The place Mike lived in was very cool. It was full of studio type lofts similar to Travis' place, but the building was actually a square, and the hallway was a square perimeter, with apartment doors on both sides of the hallway.
Practically everyone who lived here had their doors open and you could literally just walk around party hopping from apartment to apartment. Early in the night I had made eyes with an attractive young lady who suddenly vanished, so I spent the evening going from room to room trying to find her. Hours had passed, and I had pretty much given up, when from out of nowhere she appeared again. I made my move and started talking to her, and before long we were in a janitors closet smoking weed and talking. The next thing I knew we were in a taxi cab en route to her place. You don't need much of an imagination to figure out what happened next.
Her name was Tammi, and she was a very cool chick. We had quite a bit of fun over the next few weeks, and I was spending quite a bit of time at her place. She had a male roommate who was gay, and he made no qualms about throwing it in your face. I was still fairly young and somewhat homophobic to say the least, but I quickly got over that, as he was always saying and doing things to try and get a rise out of me or make me uncomfortable, but I never gave in. Looking back it was truly a great experience and part of growing up in life, as I was no longer homophobic nor did I hold any ill will towards gay people. Tammi ended up moving to Vancouver not long after I met her, and that was the end of our little fling.
The timing really couldn't have been any more perfect, as it was not long after this that Michael Campbell brought Shayne and myself to the party I mentioned a couple posts back. The night that I met her...