Monday 29 July 2013

Back To Work

Well, two weeks have passed, my holidays are officially over, and it is now Monday and I'm back to work...unfortunately.

I did however, enjoy a glorious 16 days of  vacation with my son Gabriel. It was very nice just being a father son team ready to take on the world!

We got up to quite a lot of fun over our two weeks. We did some shopping at various malls around the gta, went to the movies, spent a day at centre island, went to the beach, Gabe had a sleepover at his friends house, we went thrift shopping in Kensington Market, we hit up lego land at Vaughn mills, visited my grandparents, and went and stayed a weekend with my parents. 

On top of that we had various visits to the park, play land at McDonalds, Wal-Mart, and our small local pond to catch frogs and fish. In our down time there was plenty of video games, YouTube, and movies. 

I even managed to compose and record a new song that will be featured on an upcoming benefit cd of various artists, I'll have more info for you on that next week.

I was sad to see the little guy go and definitely not thrilled to be back to work, but it is what it is. I had a blast and wouldn't change it for the world. I hope you are all enjoying your summer vacations as much as I did.

Join me Wednesday as I continue on with the story of Heavy Ghetto...

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